I knew blake from across the street in the old house.Whenever I saw him i felt happy and comforded.I remember one time when I got my fingers stuk in one of those chiniese handcuffs and I couldnt get out. Blake went and got his screwdriver and got them off of me.I really wish i could of seen him more but after you moved i barely saw him.I remembered when we camped in the backyard in that big tent with your dad. When I heard you were dignoused with luekimia i was worried. I saw you once in the hospital you were playing Grand Theft Auto Vice City and u were driving the bus on the water. I saw u a couple times at Kanawha. Sorry we didnt win but 1 game. Im sure if we had u we could of fliped our record upside down.The last time i saw u was at G-force u were kikin but then u did starded to look bad and i Knew somthing was wrong.When ur up in heaven please help me go in the right direction with my life.Ive had 2 breakdowns were ive cried and cried and in both of them my mom our dad have said make the best of it although i didnt i never saw u.i wish i could of.I will visit the cemetary every May 13th and March 1st and whenever i have time.I am really sorry and i will deeply miss him but i know he is in my heart. And as football goes next year were going to win u a bigger trophy.Whenever i see a #10 ill always think of u and ill nail anyone that comes near for u.Im sorry u couldnt play ur last year.and whenever I go to Kanawha ill think of u and i wish u could of stayed to see the additions to Kanawha and the memorial we will build for u.u will always be in my heart.
your friends,
Jay Spencer and the rest of the midget J.V team
(P.S. when i make it to heaven u will be the first person i look for and i no you will be i the deer galore forest)